What clicked and made you have a different mindset? How long did it take to start changing and how long was the transformation? Did it last or is it an ongoing back and forth between your old self? I want to know your transformation and success.

Any kind of change, big or small. Anything from weight loss, world view, personality shift, major life change, single change like stopped smoking or drinking soda to starting exercising or going back to school. I want to hear how people’s life were a bit or a lot better through reading and your progress.


  • ✨Abigail Watson✨
    81 year ago

    Whoops, based on that prompt I was expecting the topic to be self help books. I will say The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (based on the adult version) changed my life when I was 13. “Begin with the end in mind” is such a simple little phrase, but it applies to EVERYTHING in life.

    • Should I buy this shirt at the mall? Well, what esthetic do I want my wardrobe to be?
    • should I eat this ice cream? Will the satisfaction outweigh the extra exercise I’ll have to do later?
    • where should I move to? Does the neighborhood have the activities I imagine myself doing?

    Basically, picture yourself at the end of the process and figure out the steps you need to take to get there. Work backwards until you get to the beginning, and that’s where you start. I feel like I have more direction in life because I’m working to be the person I see myself as 5 years in the future.

    • My kids school has really pushed this. One time I drove my eldest to an activity and when we got there I noticed that we had forgotten our bag that has everything needed for the activity. Sigh. Long drive home and she announces “I should have checked to make sure the bag was in the car, beginning with the end in mind”.